Project for Visualizing Uncertainty

Behind the curtain: measuring issues on studies' replication

1. Fill the first box with a valid email
2. Check one answer for each question.
3. Scroll down to see all questions.
4. After selecting all answers, hit the send button.
5. A confirmation page will appear; click on the option 'I am not a robot'


1. The information presented in this visualization is clear to me. Do you:
strongly disagree
slightly disagree
slightly agree
strongly agree

2. From this visualization, I can compare differences between the original and replicated study outcomes. Do you:
strongly disagree
slightly disagree
slightly agree
strongly agree

3. When interpreting "The face of success: Inferences from Chief Executive Officers' appearance predict company profits", I believe the differences between the original and replicated study are:
very similar
somewhat similar
somewhat dissimilar
very dissimilar

4. When interpreting "Where do We Look During Potentially Offensive Behavior", I believe the differences between the original and replicated study are:
very similar
somewhat similar
somewhat dissimilar
very dissimilar

5. When interpreting "Sex differences in mate preferences revisited: Do people know what they initially desire in a romantic partner?", I believe the differences between the original and replicated study are:
very similar
somewhat similar
somewhat dissimilar
very dissimilar